
Dr. Sherzad Shafi' Barzani is an assistant professor of Modern English Poetry who teaches English Literature at Salahaddin University, College of Languages, English Department in Erbil since 2001. Dr. Barzani's major is Modern American poetry furthermore he teaches Novel, Literary Theory and Criticism, Drama and so on. He has supervised many M.A. theses and Ph.D. dissertations in different fields ofColonialism, Post-colonialism, Magical Realism, Trauma Theory, Eco- criticism and Cultural Studies.

He is a poet and translator who has translated and published two books from English into kurdish: Macbeth by Shakespeare in 2017 and The Little Tippler by Emily Dickinson in 2015.

The most prominent translation of Dr. Barzani is Mam and Zin  the Kurdish famous epic and love story from Kurdish into Persian which has been published by Salahaddin University in 2012.